People’s Credit Union Donates $5,000 to the Martin Luther King Community Center for Hunger Services Support

People’s Credit Union is pleased to announce a $5,000 donation to the Martin Luther King Community Center (MLKCC) in support of its hunger services programs. These programs provide food pantry and meal site assistance to those in Newport County. “We are fortunate to be able to financially assist organizations like the Martin Luther King Center and their good work,” said Sean Daly, People’s Credit Union’s President & CEO. “We are also very aware of the impact COVID-19 has had on our community. Trying to stay safe and healthy is hard enough. Not having to worry how you are going to feed yourself or your family goes a long way as people work to get their lives back on track.”

“I would like to extend my sincere thanks to People’s Credit Union for their generous contribution to the MLK Community Center,” said Heather Hole Strout, Executive Director of the MLKCC. “The COVID-19 pandemic hit Newport County hard. In 2020 alone, we fed more people and provided more education scholarships than ever before in our nearly 100-year history. This funding will go so far in lifting Newport County up through this crisis.” 

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