The documents required to open a business account vary based on the type of business entity:
- Limited Liability Corporation or LLC
- Articles of Incorporation
- Department of Revenue IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) form
- Driver’s License (Valid)
- Sole Proprietorship
- Department of Revenue IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) form or your social security card if you would like the business to be under your social and not reported as a separate entity.
- Driver’s License (Valid)
- Trade Name Certificate – You can apply and get this form at the town hall where you reside/or business.
- Corporation
- Partnership Agreement for the name of the business and its partners
- Article of Incorporation
- Driver’s License (Valid)
- Department of Revenue IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) form
- Company
- Article of Incorporation
- Driver’s License (Valid)
- Department of Revenue IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) form