myPrime Checking

A perfect account for members 50 and older!

Every myPrime Checking Account Includes Free

Instant Issue
Debit Card

Online Banking
and Bill Pay

Mobile Banking and
Mobile Check Deposit

Electronic Statements
with Check Images

ATM Transactions
within Networks

Learn More About myPrime Checking

Enjoy myPrime Checking

myPrime Checking account is for any member 50 years and older, looking to enjoy these basic checking and debit services:

  • Can be opened for any member 50 years and older with a minimum of $25.
  • No monthly service fee or minimum to waive service fee.
  • Free Online and Mobile Banking.
  • Free People’s Credit Union Debit card.
  • Option of eStatements or paper statements upon request.
  • Free personalized checks.

Compare Personal Checking Account Rates

ProductMinimum to OpenMinimum Daily
Balance to Earn APY
APY*How to Open
myFree Checking$25.00n/an/aOpen Now
myPrime Checking$25.00n/an/aOpen Now
Max Yield Checking**$25.00$1,500.00.10%Open Now
myDirect Interest Checking***$25.00$0.01.05%Open Now
Student Checking$25.00n/an/aOpen Now

Frequently Asked Questions

People’s Credit Union’s Routing number/ABA number is 211573151 and it can also be found at the bottom of our website. Our routing number is the same for ACH transfers, checks, and wires.

You can view your account balance/s by signing into your online banking profile through our website or through the PCU mobile app. To view account activity, click on the desired account to view recent activity. You can filter by date range to see previous activity.

If you are an existing member, you can open an additional deposit account through your online banking profile. Once you log in navigate to the Open an Account tab and follow the flow to complete the account opening process. Your new account can be funded with either an existing People’s Account or a linked external account.

Within the PCU mobile app, you would select the “Deposit a Check” option. Once you have read the notices, you would select an account to which the check would be deposited and input the check amount. You would then take a picture of the front and back of the check in a well-lit environment, ideally with a dark background, as directed on the screen. The check must include “Mobile Deposit to PCU” under the endorsement to be accepted for deposit.

Once submitted, you will receive an email indicating that the check was received. Please retain the check for 30 days. Mobile deposited checks are manually reviewed and may be rejected upon review. If rejected, you will receive an email with the reason the deposit was not successful.